
Comedy US elections

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Are the US elections a comedy?
"It has become depressingly apparent that no leadership, no guidance, no inspiration will be forthcoming from any of the traditional sources in our society. Our politicians are locked in partisan bickering with each other, fighting like junkyard dogs over scraps. Our financial leaders are in a tailspin. Our heroes are largely fictional now at best".
(From War against Despair of Christopher Spenn).

Sorry, the embed video of the daily show com doesn't work.
"The prospect of hyperinflation is now becoming a REAL possibility - trillions of dollars are being pumped and nothing is happening in the credit markets - FEAR is enveloping world markets. We now think there may be another concerted effort to engage in socialist methods of the State buying up everything, guaranteeing loans, etc. as in Iceland, UK, etc. Welcome to October 2008. We would not be surprised to see more civil unrest as people realize they have been cheated out of their lifetime savings and pensions".
(From Rense: The Party is just beginning).
