
Dia de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos es uno de los días de fiesta mexicanos más importantes al principio de noviembre. Recuerdan a los muertos. La muerte no es que algo uno tiene que temer, él puede visto sobre con ironía. Muerte como parte de vida. Una vez al año (un viejo aspecto mexicano) la vuelta muerta para hacer un banquete con la vida. Muerte también vista sobre como el comienzo a una nueva vida, una transición a otra forma de ser. Vea quizá a esta procesión de Tucson Arizona, mi amigo Ketogah enviado esto a mí.

TotenKopfPflaster EysselsBerg GruftKapelle, Austria

(Dia de los Muertos is one of the most important Mexican holidays at the beginning of November. The dead are remembered.
Death is not something one has to fear, it can seen upon with irony. Death as a part of life. Once a year (an old Mexican aspect) the dead return to make a feast with the living. Death also seen upon as the start to a new life, a transition to another form of being.
Maybe see this procession from Tucson Arizona, my friend Ketogah sent this to me).




Harder Better Faster Stronger

The song was released by Daft Punk in October 2001




Financial Crisis George Katrina

Yes, you can take it for granted that people would talk behind your back about you if you had told them that the upcoming financial crisis had or has or will have something to do with a kind of unhappy love story of a certain George with a certain Katrina, oh yes, you bet.

Politicians are responsible people, well, at least should be. Or they are made responsible for ... kind of everything that happens in the time of their 'popularity'.

Proper and exact science (whatever that is) tells us, that the ongoings in the sky, in the weather, the way how the birds fly, how bowels look like (ehem, remember the ancient greeks etc.) have nothing to do with the practical happenings on our earth. Hm, the idea of the 'butterfly effect' teaches us something different. Nevertheless ...

Once we experience to be in the middle of a 'turmoil', when things get turned upside down and/or inside out ... minds can tell us something completely different.

On the other side (which side?): Some things don't change: The poor stay poor. And more and more people become poor. Who cares? You tell!

Are we flooded with paper money that's actually not worth ANYTHING? Does this money just live by the power we give it through believing in it?

Project BlueBird produced a video on 'George and Katrina'. A video in the spiritual tradition of the late 60ies when people DID GO unto the streets and to Washinton to PROTEST against the war in Vietnam. Are wars so easy to forget, Napalm etc.?




Butterfly Effect CaterPillar

The song 'Stop crying your heart out' of Oasis offers some kind of reflections on the 'BUTTERFLY EFFECT'. I've assembled a playlist here where you can see some videos on this subject.



In the fall of 1976 two couples got married at a town in Germany: Osnabrück. The one couple was me and my wife and the names of the other couple were Zach & Priscilla (both Americans).
Zach and Priscilla soon drifted apart. Zach had a car accident in the States, with some heavy injuries. In the happy days of this fall of 1976 Zach was often singing a song of which he said that he had composed it: 'The CaterPillar'.

Here now the words of this poem. I have the song sung by him somewhere and when I find it some days I might upload it to this place. He sang it very simple, it sounded pretty Indian (like a chant) and he was clapping his hands to it.

A song of William Christiansen (Zach)

Once was a Caterpillar that shivered in the grass.
Hiding from the big birds, made my time go past.
Little did I know, above me far and wide,
was the great and unknown sky of the other side.

While I had thoughts now and then of climbing to the top
of one big reed, one big reed that grew along my way.
But eating leaves and hiding out, took up most of my day.

Then one fateful afternoon, I mounted up that reed
so long I waited to ascend, but now my plan was deed.
The thrill of seeing my dream come true almost made me weep,
but time was late and pretty soon, I had to go to sleep.

So I began to spin and spin, did you ever spin a bed?
If you never seen it done, you must not be well read.
Time past by, another day, another afternoon
and I zipped up my sleeping bag known as a cacoon.

In that dark and lonely place I had so many dreams
and soon was quite forgot the past and fearful thoughts it seems.
Far above the grass below that blew below me green
and farmers planting seeds in spring the underpassing scenes.

Then a voice inside me spoke: "You must be born again"
and then this time I really woke from my cacoon I sprang
to see the sun that dried my wings, was smiling back at me.

So far above the grass below I glide within the sky
for now my home is on the wind, a bright new butterfly.



Global Dimming




Lady Rubber Band

The following pics give you some glimpses into the video down below. I don't know what to exactly call this kind of art. Is it gymnastics, break dance, ballet or some kind of extreme aerobic? You might know. Last time I saw such a performance was in the Circus, hm, China something ... NO, now I remember Africa, Africa of Andre Heller in Munic last November or December (2007) or so. Yes, was kind of phantastic, like this performance here.

And in the following picture you might give me pardon for doing a little trick. Hehe.




Comedy US elections

Are the US elections a comedy?
"It has become depressingly apparent that no leadership, no guidance, no inspiration will be forthcoming from any of the traditional sources in our society. Our politicians are locked in partisan bickering with each other, fighting like junkyard dogs over scraps. Our financial leaders are in a tailspin. Our heroes are largely fictional now at best".
(From War against Despair of Christopher Spenn).

Sorry, the embed video of the daily show com doesn't work.
"The prospect of hyperinflation is now becoming a REAL possibility - trillions of dollars are being pumped and nothing is happening in the credit markets - FEAR is enveloping world markets. We now think there may be another concerted effort to engage in socialist methods of the State buying up everything, guaranteeing loans, etc. as in Iceland, UK, etc. Welcome to October 2008. We would not be surprised to see more civil unrest as people realize they have been cheated out of their lifetime savings and pensions".
(From Rense: The Party is just beginning).



Funny Kids The Evil Look

It really pays to pay attention to our kids, to spend time with them. It IS rewarding. The rewards of our love-pouring into them might not show up immediately, however one day they will show up.
So get inspired for having children. Yes, they scream too sometimes and can get nervy. Well, to have children and to bring them up is one of the most exciting experiences one can have.




Blogging Blogs What Is Are

What is blogging? What are blogs? Here is a video which does some explanation. Setting up a blog is not difficult nowadays. Get a Gmail account and start blogging at blogger.com. The fun part after you have done this is to connect with other people (make friends worldwide) in the various networks. Feel free to ask! Welcome to the blogger community!

