
100acorns yoko ono interview blog

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Beginning on June 15th 2008 Lady Yoko Ono will publish a daily 'acorn' for 100 days at her newly opened 100acorns - Blog.

40 years ago, on June 15th of this magical year 1968, she and John Lennon planted two acorns for peace at Coventry Cathedral ('Acorn event').

On her blog, Lady Yoko Ono will share instructions, which can be questioned, discussed and commented.
Maybe see also the Promotion/Discussion of 100acorns on BlogCatalog.

Yoko Ono meets Coventry's official Lady Godiva, Pru Poretta, at Coventry Cathedral

Coventry Cathedral

Some recent promotion of Yoko Ono:

Interview with Yoko Ono, 'face to face':