
Sexual Abuse Violence Human Rights

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There are particular human rights for children:
According to The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF): "Human rights are those rights which are essential to live as human beings – basic standards without which people cannot survive and develop in dignity. They are inherent to the human person, inalienable and universal."

Sexual violence, thus meaning violent acts against the sexual integrity of a person, encompasses the following: rape, sexual advances, sexual harassment, demanding sex for favors, forced cohabitation, marriage of children ...
Sexual violence is rooted in discrimination. A discrimination that denies persons equal rights and involves the denial of basic social rights. Sexual violence uses other persons just for individual gratification or profits.
Sexual violence violates itself human rights standards and can be considered a crime against humanity. Child Sexual Abuse IS a Human Rights Issue.


The social awareness campaign of BlogCatalog and Amnesty International 'Bloggers Unite for Human Rights' challenges bloggers to expose injustice and abuse and mobilize their readers to take simple online actions.

Bloggers Unite
