
Buddhist Women Dance Buddhism Buddha

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Looking for Tantra? Hm, hm. Well, there are challenges and implications for contemporary Buddhist Women to transmit the Buddha Dharma across time and place. Across the cultures Buddist Women achieve new roles and opportunities. In the dance of the Yogini you find images of aggression in Tantric Buddhism.

You might be interested to get more information on living and dying in Buddhism, but maybe see this video in before, because it will give you a taste for life.

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Women practising Buddhism can do this in workshops or reflect in feminist interpretations of Buddhist philosophy and practise, for example in honour of the dakini.

Dakini was/is an important image of Female Power in Buddhism, kind of an advanced spirit or spiritual being. Dakini moves in a fundamental freedom which is so spacious in its emptiness, that it is like space or sky.

The video above is worth a second look. It's one of the best videos on buddhist dance on youtube.
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